"Every hundred feet, the world changes" -- Roberto Bolaño
writing research teaching
David G. Farley
"a little passport is my life" -- E.E. Cummings
I've designed this site both as an online version of the traditional portfolio and as a space that both gathers and re-enacts my approach to teaching and researching the literature of travel.
PORTFOLIO. Etymology: an altered form of earlier porto folio "portfolio," from Italian portafoglio (same meaning), from portare "to carry" and foglio "leaf, sheet"; portare from Latin portare "to carry" and foglio from Latin folium "leaf" --related to FOLIAGE, PORTABLE 1: a case for carrying papers or drawings
1722, from It. portafoglio "a case for carrying loose papers," from porta, imperative of portare "to carry" (see port (1)) + foglio "sheet, leaf," from L. folium (see folio).
PASSPORT. 1: a government-issued document that serves to identify a citizen and allows him or her to travel to foreign countries 2: something that allows a person to reach a desired goal